Credit goes to Leclia
For the above art.

IC Cly: The guild was founded by Kialandi aiming to run a general store within the Mage District. We have a variety of wares to offer as well as doing custom wares too, we have another store in the City of Dalaran too.

OOC CLY: The guild is very friendly and orientated and we're very different compared to other guilds, we like to give people the chance to join us and see if they fit in and enjoy the atmosphere we bring. As a guild, we also join other events where we sell our wares. We also hold our events from time to time.

Title: Guild Leader
Name: Kialandi
Job:Choccie maker/Enchanter

Title: Advisor
Name: Fey
Job: Enchanter/Vinter/Watch maker.

Title: Advisor / Vendor
Name: Evelynn
Job: Evelio Creator

Title: Artisan
Name: Lidi
Job: Trader / Medium